Can Scribbr proofread and edit my thesis in LaTeX?
Yes, we can proofread and edit your LaTeX document. However, because our editors work with the track changes functionality in Word, we will have to convert your LaTeX document to a .docx document (Microsoft Word).
Converting a LaTeX document into a .docx document is not difficult, but it may mix up the layout of your thesis partly. This means that you need to check the layout afterwards. Next to that, you have to implement all the changes made by the editor in your original LaTeX file.
Convert to Word
You can convert your LaTeX file to a .docx file in 3 steps.
- Save the LaTeX file as a pdf file.
- Open the pdf file with Microsoft Word. (Word automatically converts the pdf to a Word document.)
- Save the Microsoft Word file.
Please contact us if you have any difficulties converting your file yourself. We can convert your document for you.
Upload pdf version as additional file
While uploading your document, you can also add your pdf file as an additional file. This may help your editor while editing, because it will show your editor the original formatting of your text.