Source types

Most cited source types

  1. Webpage
    Cite a specific page from a website.
  2. Journal article
    Cite an article published in an academic journal, whether accessed through a database or in print.
  3. Book
    Cite a book, e-book, or book accessed online.
  4. Video
    Cite a video posted online (on YouTube, Vimeo, etc.).
  5. Online news article
    Cite an article published on an online news website like The Washington Post.

All source types

  1. Artwork
    Cite an artwork (painting, photograph, sculpture, installation, etc.) from a museum.
  2. Blog post
    Cite a post from a blog.
  3. Book
    Cite a book, e-book, or book accessed online.
  4. Book chapter
    Cite a specific chapter of a book with separately authored chapters.
  5. Comment
    Cite an online comment (on a blog post, article, social media post, video, etc.).
  6. Conference proceeding
    Cite a conference proceeding (paper or other contribution) published in a special journal or book.
  7. Conference session
    Cite a conference session, paper presentation, or poster presentation.
  8. Dataset
    Cite a published dataset accessed online or in a database, or unpublished raw data received directly from the researcher or organization.
  9. Film
    Cite a film (movie).
  10. Forum post
    Cite a post on a forum or message board (e.g., Reddit).
  11. Image
    Cite an image accessed online or in print.
  12. Journal article
    Cite an article published in an academic journal, whether accessed through a database or in print.
  13. Online dictionary entry
    Cite an entry from an online dictionary.
  14. Online encyclopedia entry
    Cite an entry from an online encyclopedia.
  15. Online magazine article
    Cite an article published in an online magazine.
  16. Online news article
    Cite an article published on an online news website like The Washington Post.
  17. Patent
    Cite a patent issued to an inventor by a legal authority.
  18. Podcast
    Cite a whole podcast series.
  19. Podcast episode
    Cite an episode of a podcast.
  20. Presentation slides
    Cite presentation slides accessed online or viewed in person (e.g., in a class lecture).
  21. Press release
    Cite a press release from any kind of organization, accessed online or in print.
  22. Print dictionary entry
    Cite an entry from a print dictionary.
  23. Print encyclopedia entry
    Cite an entry from a print encyclopedia.
  24. Print magazine article
    Cite an article published in a print magazine.
  25. Print newspaper article
    Cite an article published in a print newspaper.
  26. Report
    Cite a report published by a government or other organization, accessed online or in print.
  27. Social media post
    Cite a social media post (tweet, Facebook status, Instagram post, etc.).
  28. Software
    Cite a piece of specialist software used in your research.
  29. Speech
    Cite a lecture or other public speech.
  30. Thesis
    Cite a thesis or dissertation (unpublished, published online, or accessed through a database).
  31. TV show
    Cite a whole TV series.
  32. TV show episode
    Cite an episode of a TV show.
  33. Video
    Cite a video posted online (on YouTube, Vimeo, etc.).
  34. Webpage
    Cite a specific page from a website.
  35. Website
    Cite a whole website.
  36. Wiki entry (Wikipedia article)
    Cite a Wikipedia article or other wiki entry.